Google was created by Google and owned by Alphabet.
Google is 20 years old.
Google is written in Python, C and C++.
Google is available in 123 languages.
Google is ranked 1st in Alexa’s ranking.
Bing was created by Microsoft and owned by Microsoft.
Bing is eight years old.
Bing is written in ASP.NET
Bing is available in 40 languages.
Bing is ranked 47nd in Alexa’s ranking.
Bing has been criticized for being slower to index websites
than Google or not at all (
) and for copying Google’s search engine results. Both Google and Bing have
search syntax. There are numerous articles that state Google is faster than
Bing and some websites that state the opposite. The undisputed fact is Google
is the largest desktop search engine in the world and Bing is a far third. Google
owned up to 74% of the world search engine market while Bing only has 8%. They
have 63% and 23% of the US search engine market, respectively.